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¡¡¡¡×÷ÕߣºRichard Sandomir

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¡¡¡¡Just Who Was the United States Playing for the Championship£¿

¡¡¡¡by Richard Sandomir


¡¡¡¡Did China matter to ABC Sports at the Woman's World Cup yes- terday?

¡¡¡¡In an international competition in which one tean is the Uni- ted States,it is worth analyzing how much attention the network pays to the foreign team.

¡¡¡¡China,aside from being present for the game,was not an ABC priorlty. Sure,China played the United States team to a draw through 120 minutes.You couldn't miss the Chinese. Makes you wonder what ABC would have done if China had won.

¡¡¡¡At least the announcers,J.p.Dellacamera and Wendy Gebauer, knew all the Chinese players' names.But the team's stralegies and personalities wer shorted as if the players were faceless automatons.

¡¡¡¡Maybe this is what happens when your scientists are accused of filching American nuclear secrets and President Clinton is at the Rose Bowl.


¡¡¡¡The first sign of the treatment came early. When the game started, ABC popped up a chart: "USA Keys to Victory." Fairness dictated that a similar list of Chinese keys follow.It didn't. Did China sneak into the final? Were its srrengths and weaknesses secret? Had China played five previous World Cup games in a hermetically sealed stadium?

¡¡¡¡The 20-minute pre-game show (with 9 minutes 24 seconds of commercials) offered little to help a viewer know the Chinese players (it wasn't so hot on the American souad either),which is odd considering the telecast should have been tilted toward viewers less knowledgeable about soccer.(The halftime show was barren of analysis; imagine a Super Bowl half time without analysis?)

¡¡¡¡Throughout the game, the United States'players received better treatment whenever Dellacamera or Gebauer slipped in personal tidbits. (Did the Chinese team refuse to give more than name and rank to the tournament's media guide?)

¡¡¡¡With all the crowd reaction shots used by ABC, I can't remember a Chinese face. Did the Chinese team have no nation- alist contingent, no flag-waving fans, not a slngle one with a painted face?

¡¡¡¡Dellacamera, who seemed so fair in his enthussiasms during United States games until yesterday, often sounded more jazzed by the Americans'scoring possibilities than by China's. That unfairness emerged most dramatically during the decisive penalty kicks that ended with the United States victory.

¡¡¡¡When Kristine Lilly scored to put the United States ahead, 3-2,Dell acamera shouted:"The shot.Goal!"

¡¡¡¡When China's Zhang Ouying tied it,he said,without a hint of emotion:"Zhang.And she scores."

¡¡¡¡Mia Hamm's go-ahead goal was called by Dellacamera with a second shout:"Shot,And a goal".

¡¡¡¡But Sun Wen'stying goal sounded like a disappointment to Dellacamera."Sun Wen shot and she scores.

¡¡¡¡Yet Brandi Chastain's game-win-ner was a simple ,joyful roat: "GOAL!"


¡¡¡¡After Chastain scored,Dellacamera said nothing for nearly two minutes, the right tack. Let the pictures tell the story. But had the Chinese left the field?Fallen through a trapdoor? In most post-game championship celebrations ,television directors instinctively alternate shots of dellriously happy winners with those of the disconsolate losers. But as the United States team partied on the field , the Chinese team might well have jitted off to BeiJing.

¡¡¡¡Were they stoic? Were they sobbing? Where was their half of the story?

¡¡¡¡ABC waited five minutes from Chastain's goal ABC to discover the Chinese team (for 30 seconds)as it accepted second-place medals.

¡¡¡¡Dellacamera and Gebauer's final comments solidified the belief that China's players mattered far less than Amerlca's. They did not mention China.Gebauer, a member of the victorious United States team at the 1991 Women's World Cup,said she bad to compose herself because she had been crying. Jingo bells. All the way.

¡¡¡¡Ïà¹Ø±¨µÀ£ºÅ®×ãÊÀ½ç±­×¨Ì⣺ http://sports.sina.com.cn/focus/women.shtml ¡¡¡¡Å®×ã¾öÈüÓÐÎÊÌ⣿ http://dailynews1.sina.com.cn/china/football.html ¡¡¡

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